Internet Insider – After School

Michael Pochron

More stories from Michael Pochron

A Final Farewell
May 24, 2017
(Photo Credit via

(Photo Credit via

After School is a mobile app available to most smartphones created by Ambient. The app is  a relatively anonymous online social media platform that requires users to enter their Facebook username and password, along with their school address.

When this app was first introduced to me and my school, many believed that it was another social media site with little to no reasons to not download it. So, many students started using the app and it seemed fun but the more it was used, the more suspicious it became.

The app’s dark secret is that it uses bots to stir up drama among anyone who downloaded the app by using the Facebook usernames that were entered. The app follows a very simple formula which is, the more drama occurs whether it’s legitimate or not will always result in more downloads. This in turn results in more money made due to more people seeing their ads.

This was figured out when one student’s mother decided to download the app, which would be something that no one knew other than the people who ran the app. If no one knew she was using the app, why would anyone even try flirting with her? At that specific moment it was realized that the app was anything but genuine and the best decision is to leave as quickly as possible. However, that was already considered by the app’s creators by exploiting the curious nature of humans. This was done by sending a multiple text messages to user’s phones stating that someone has been talking about them.

“It’s fake, there’s an insane amount of pre-generated content with barely any actual content,” said, junior Katie Wolfe.

Overall, I do not recommend that anyone tries this shady app, no matter how attractive it may seem. In fact, I am actively trying to warn all those who joined this app of the dangers and would strongly recommend that everyone who has installed the app should remove it as soon as possible. Afterwards, I strongly suggest that users change their Facebook password for a good measure.