
More stories from Silvia Metz


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Ever feel like something isn’t quite right or maybe you truly feel like you don’t belong somewhere because things are new and different? New home, new state,and new faces that aren’t familiar. Moving somewhere can be a really thrilling experience for some they see it as a fresh start and then one night they start to miss the place they came from.

That feeling is called homesickness and what is homesickness? It is a sad or depressed state where someone misses home whether that means by traveling a lot or just moving really far away. Being away from the people that were a part of your everyday life is pretty rough because that when the bonds with those people are broken.

Having homesickness isn’t great, But being away from home make the small things matter or the things or people that weren’t appreciated matter. Especially if someone constantly travel days on end and when that happens you kinda lose sight in who you are. When you lose sight in yourself then it is time to visit where you came from or go back to where you are from. Many people may not have the power to fix all your problems.But being back in your hometown and being with the people who love and care about you can fix just about all of them.