13 Reasons Why

Autumn Tedrow

More stories from Autumn Tedrow

May 23, 2017

(Photo Credits via Google Images)

13 Reasons Why is a series on Netflix what has broken the charts. So many people have watched or are watching this teen crazed series. It is a drama and a tragedy genre that has to do with teen suicide. The series are about a girl named Hannah Baker and her life in high school.

Hannah Baker is very unique and is just trying to make friends to fit in. Within the four years of high school, she makes a few friends. All of these “friends” will soon do something to Hannah that she will never forget. The series is called 13 Reasons Why because Hannah records herself giving 13 reasons why she killed herself. There are 13 tapes and each tape is for one person at fault. They are passed along to every person on the tapes. One person that the first 13 episodes focus on is Clay Jensen. They worked together at the movie theater and Clay fell in love with Hannah but never told her. Clay Jensen was described as an awkward nerd that didn’t have many friends. Hannah broke his shell and he became friends with a few people until Hannah killed herself. 13 Reasons Why is an inspiring message to everyone in high school because it teaches kids to be nicer and more considerate.

Being a high school student myself, I have seen some bullying but nothing extreme. Jefferson Morgan seems to be a safe environment for everyone. 13 Reasons Why made me step back and realize how bad things could be. I recommend watching this popular Netflix series.