New Classes, New Knowledge

Michael Pochron

More stories from Michael Pochron

A Final Farewell
May 24, 2017

A class that seems very interesting and is actually on my schedule for next year is Intro to Engineering. Intro to Engineering is taught by Mrs. Simatic and this class builds up and fortifies the base that all engineers need. This is an important class because it is something engineers will need, it also builds skills like learning to work in a group that will be needed in the future.  

Another class that seems really interesting Physics. Physics is a class taught by Mr. Pratt and appears to be the hardest class he offers. This should be the hardest class that will be taken next year, fortunately there are friends of mine that will be able to help. A good friend of mine, Keon Dohn is also taking that class which gives me a person to talk to as well as having someone to help when it’s needed.

Sport Literature which is  another interesting class is taught by Mr. Moore. This class particularly stood out to be for two reasons. The first being that sports knowledge and history are subjects that are lacking. The other reason is that it is Mr. Moore’s last year and that another class with him would be nice before he heads off into the new world called “retirement.”

However these classes are being looked forward to and would include Geology, Environmental Issues, English 12, Pre-calculus, gym, band and Journalism II. The other classes that are on my schedule are pretty typical and standard for a senior and are generally easy classes. My goal this year is to have the least stressful senior year as possible. The other classes that are on my schedule are pretty typical and standard for a senior and are generally easy classes.