Elijah Saesan – Athlete Article

    Michael Pochron

    More stories from Michael Pochron

    A Final Farewell
    May 24, 2017

    Elijah Saesan is a freshman and a member of the Jefferson-Morgan High School Football team.


    Elijah has been playing football for a grand total of six years including middle school and midget football. Ever since he first played football, his life has been more and more devoted to playing football and getting better. Saesan also participated in the J-M Marching Band which helped build his coordination and cooperation with his team both on and off the field.

    When asked why he first started playing football Saesan was naturally driven to play football by saying “I started playing it because it would be fun.”


    Elijah doesn’t have a preference whenever he plays football and likes all positions equally. However whenever he joined the Rockets they needed a dedicated person to play wide receiver and cornerback and he was more than happy to fill those spots.


    When asked what he likes most about playing football Saesan replied by saying “I love football the most when it’s game day because it’s exhilarating when I’m on the field.” This is especially so when he’s playing because he knows all of his friends and family are cheering him on.


    Conditioning is the most difficult part of football according to Elijah. He dislikes it because conditioning is just a ton of running for around thirty minutes straight for just a single practice.  


    When asked if he’ll continue doing football till his senior year Saesan replied by saying “I’m not sure because I need more time to study, and if football interferes with his study then I’ll quit.”
    When he graduates, Saesan does not see himself continuing his football career because he sees it as something fun to do and doesn’t want to endanger that by getting too competitive.