Adam Hobe – Athlete Biography

    Adam Hobe is a senior and a member of the varsity golf team.

    Hobe is a varsity golf player for the Jefferson-Morgan Rockets. Hobe is in the middlemost part of his senior season, in hopes of reaching new goals that he has set for himself, and simply having fun for his third and final year.

    To be able to reach his goals that he has set for himself in the offseason, Hobe often golfed whenever he possibly could to be as controlled and relaxed during matches as he possibly could.

    “My main goal for this season was to shoot on the low 40’s.” Hobe accomplished one of his main goals for the season and hopes to continue reaching other goals. “Another goal I have is to be able to bring in high scores for the team to help us bring a win back to the school.” Added Hobe.

    Hobe is always one to lend a helping hand and he hopes he can encourage younger JM students to join the golf team as well as help the younger players on the team now to get better. He understands just how tricky golf can be and hopes he can take some of their stress away by giving them some pointers.

    “One of the most important things you can do to prepare yourself for the upcoming season, is just simply golf whenever you can and have fun with what you’re doing,” said Hobe. 

    Hobe is one out of seven members on the rockets golf team. Hobe hopes to help his team and continue to have fun to end off on a prosperous season with as many wins under their belts. But, winning is not all there is for Hobe, he enjoys the sport and finds spending time with his teammates amazing.

    Hobe’s main inspiration to play is just simply that he loves the sport.

    He is extremely excited for this season, but he is also dreading that it is coming to an end. When Hobe was asked what he was looking forward to this season his response was “I’m not sure if I was really looking forward to anything this season; I just didn’t want it to go by so quick.”   

    Hobe is looking forward to his upcoming matches, Although he is saddened that it is coming to an end Hobe is quite eager to enjoy himself for the rest of the season.